Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's ALL About Jesus

The message of the Gospel has gotten a little foggy these days with the myriad
of issues facing people in the new millennium. Ask the average person on the street what a Christian is and it may be a while before you hear anything about Jesus or the cross. As Christians our message is simply Jesus – who he was, what he said, and what he did.
Our mission is to share that person with the world. God made us to belong to Him, but we wandered away... Jesus is the way back. More than forty years ago Mel founded Teen Ranch on that message, and the heart of it has never changed.
I have delivered the essence of
this message at countless camp- fires. It‘s a personal message. It‘s non- threatening. It‘s all about a meaningful relationship with God though Jesus.
Our opportunity to deliver the message is certainly more fo- cused during our time at the Ranch, but most of us live our lives away from the barn, the Ice Corral and Dining Room. More often than not, the good news of a relationship with Jesus comes to a person from someone they already have a relationship with. God has blessed us all with the ability to share that message. There may be people in your lives who may never hear it un- less it comes from you...
Over the years Mel has taught me many things, but one of my first summers at the Ranch he
said something that I never lost sight of. Quoting St. Francis of Assisi, he said: ―Preach the Gospel at all times... when necessary use words.‖

Jesus came to save us, unite us and teach us. Question: What can YOU do to spread the message?
“For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.”
1 Corinthians 3:11

- John Clarke
John Clarke, his wife Velvet, son Ben and daughter Kayla have been a huge blessing to each of us for the past 13 summers.

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