Friday, September 10, 2010

From Our Director

What‘s the mission of those of us on staff at Teen Ranch?
―To love Christ and radiate His love.
Many times bunkhouse leaders have commented on the spiritual hunger of campers this past summer and we know that some of them have put their trust in Jesus as Saviour and Lord of their lives.
In answer to the question, "What is one thing you have learned from your stay at Teen Ranch this week?" Here are some camper quotes:

―New things and not to swear
―A lot about God
―How to clean my room
 ―A lot about God and the Bible
―That you have to stick together as a team
―God is always with us in whatever we do
 ―You can do anything if you put your mind to it 
―To be myself
―A lot of new hockey skills and techniques
―Have fun and don‘t give up
―A lot about God and friendship. I also feel I have grown as a rider
―A lot of different skating moves
―God is loving, forgiving and awesome
―Cantering over a jump
―How to talk to God
 ―A lot. To pray to God more and to trust Him with everything.

What an incredible responsibility and privilege we have to be involved in God‘s eternal work here. It has been an amazing summer and we thank God.

-Tim Stevens (Director)

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