Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Merry Christmas

In the Christmas story, we hear about travelers; wise men from the East, who traveled a great distance to see the new King who was born in Israel. This was not an easy trip for these wise men as it probably took many weeks and covered a great distance, riding on camels through some very harsh country. They did it because they believed what the Scriptures foretold about God‘s plan for the world, and about the gift (the birth of Jesus) that He would give, that would be the Saviour of the world.
Their story and efforts should be an example to us. They didn‘t just believe; they acted on their belief; and because they did, they got to see the baby Jesus; the King of kings and Saviour of the world with their very own eyes. Just imagine that for the rest of their lives, they could say ―we saw the King, we met the Saviour‖. It changed them.
It‘s nice and comforting and gives us warm feelings to know about Jesus and to celebrate His birth at Christmas, but if we don‘t act on our beliefs, if it doesn‘t affect us. If it doesn‘t make us search Jesus out, it doesn‘t do us much good. If we truly meet Jesus, it will affect everything in our lives and everything we do.
This year at the Ranch, we have visitors that have traveled a great distance to spend Christmas and New Year‘s with us. We have four visiting Russian hockey teams who will stay at the Ranch and attend tourna- ments while they are here. Hopefully, some will be able to return and attend a hockey academy here at the Ranch. They are coming from a country where for almost a century they have been told by their leaders that there is no God. It is our pleasure and privilege to share Christmas and the love of Jesus with them. Our hope and prayer is that they too will see the King and meet the Saviour.
This is also our prayer for you. That as you celebrate Christmas with family and friends, you will see the birth of Jesus in a new and fresh way and you will experience the awesome love of God demonstrated to us in His gift, the giving of His Son, the birth of Jesus. Blessings to you all from Teen Ranch and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

 - Tim Stevens

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